Follow a 5 Steps Approach to Getting Your Business Financed

By John EWK, August 2021

Getting the Money, Your Business Requires

Are you encountering challenges in getting your business financed?

Do you find it challenging to get your bankers or financiers to lend you the money your business requires? The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may have blunted your bankers’ risk-taking spirit to expand their lending book given the lack of clarity in the broader economy. How do you convince your bankers and financiers that your business is good for the money and your business is as creditworthy as it always has been, despite the prevalent negativity that surrounds the marketplace?

When you google business finance or how to finance a business, invariably you will come across articles that lay out what sort of financing your business can get. These articles will introduce the types of financing that your business can apply. For instance, working capital financing, invoice financing, peer-to-peer financing, online loans, business cash advances, etc. These articles will also emphasize that you and your business assume the risks associated with non-payment. None of these articles provides you with a step-by-step approach in preparing and getting you and your business ready to secure financing from your bankers and financiers.

What if you can increase the probability of your business getting hold of the financing that it requires? You and your business can win over your bankers and financiers and get the financing it deserves, regardless of the uncertainty that envelopes the business environment now. You must not leave to chance, the prospect of your business securing the financing it requires by delegating this strategic and imperative task to your company accountant.

There is always a silver lining behind any dark cloud. The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on our livelihood on an unprecedented and pervasive scale. It does present to us, opportunities that we can capitalize on. The stock market rally in the US and in most countries is one such opportunity. You must remain calm, collected, and focused in strategizing and re-positioning your business into one that addresses the needs of your customers that have evolved due to the measures and actions that have been put in place to contain the proliferation of the COVID-19 viruses. Securing the financing that your business requires can provide your business with the financial muscle needed to capture greater market share from your competitors. In turn, your business will entrench its leadership position in the industry as one that is unassailable.

You can capitalize on the uncertainties that have overwhelmed your industry and most of your business competitors. Stay calm, focused, and resolute in following through with our proposed 5 Steps to get the financing that you and your business require. By acting on our proposed 5 Steps Approach, we will pave the path for you to win over more business than your business has ever contemplated.

What is the 5 Steps Approach?

What Does the 5 Steps Approach Do or Seeks to Achieve?

In essence, the 5 Steps Approach triangulates the mindset, and expectations of the bankers/financiers with those of business owners. Before applying this 5 Step Approach, you as a business owner need to understand the bankers ’/financiers’ perspective, strategies, and action plan to realize their short-term monetary goals.

How Do the 5 Steps Approach Deliver Results?

The application of 5 Step Approach delivers results as its usage addresses how bankers/financiers think and feel about a lending prospect, how their expectations have been met by the prospective borrower and how their self-interest/short-term goals can be realized quickly. The way the application of 5 Step Approach interlinks the bankers ’/financiers’ mindset, expectations, and self-interest is explained in the schematic diagram above.

Why Wait? Seize the opportunity now, to get the financing your business requires by harnessing what the 5 Steps Approach can capitalize from arbitraging the mindset, expectations, and self-interest / short-term goals of bankers/financiers.